Lemonade Life

Monday, September 19, 2005

A few words about Diabetes Portal and my life

Hey, I'm home. Plane didn't crash, engine didn't burst into flames, the wings remained affixed to the aircraft. And they gave me chocolate covered raisins. So all-in-all I'd say it was an excellent flight.

And now, a word about Diabetes Portal:

Some have you may have noticed that Diabetes Portal has closed. For the story, visit www.diabetesportal.com. Deb Butterfield's closing note explains pretty much everything. It was just getting too hard to run such a large enterprise with so few people. Especially now that Deb has her new daughter, it really isn't fair for us to expect her to carry the burden of raising two children and managing Diabetes Portal.

When I found out at the end of last month that Diabetes Portal was going to be closing, I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I had several ideas... starting a new Teen Talk off-site, starting a differently themed diabetes website, just maintaining this blog, writing a book (which I still might do, although I have no clue what to write about...any ideas?) and... quitting. Yes, I thought about quitting for an astounding 0.82 seconds.

I'm currently working on moving Teen Talk to a new site. I have a friend who is designing it for me and so far, it looks pretty good. I'm aiming to have it opened sometime in early November. I'll post the date when I have it. I'm hoping to have former Diabetes Station guests contribute to Teen Talk, so you may be seeing them at a website near you.

I'll also be a contributing writer to Diabetes Talkfest. I'll be starting a new article at the end of the week, so stayed tuned to find out if you qualify to be an interviewee. :-)

I'm still a volunteer with JDRF's Online Diabetes Support Team and I'm still here at Lemonade Life. I'm also starting my junior year in college, and I'll be working, volunteering at an elementary school, working on the leadership team of Campus Crusade for Christ and hopefully getting involved with the Public Relations Student Society of America.

I also need to sleep. And eat. And wash my hair.

But I may just find enough spare minutes to write that book.


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