Lemonade Life

Thursday, January 19, 2006

A Quickie

  • Check out the newly updated Wall of Shameless Self-Promotion! Listen to me on Janis Roszler's Jump Start to Good Health on January 29 and for those in the Portland, OR area, you can Meet Me on April 8th at the Children's Diabetes Seminar's Teen Seminar (which I will be going to assuming I don't have any tests or quizzes that Monday). More details about the April 8th seminar will be coming soon. This is an Open Event that anyone can come to - and there will be lot of people there so Potential Stalkers: Back off! I've also included some old articles and interviews that I've done over the years. These are just the ones that happen to be available online.
  • There is an open-ended survey on the OC Website about how I can improve the OC services. Please take a look at some of my questions and let me know what you think. Thanks in advance!
  • I visited the campus CDE and she gave me a new Freestyle Flash, which I will be using as soon as I can figure out if I can get my insurance to pay for a whole new set of strips. Seeing as how I currently have 15 unopened boxes of BD test strips, this might take some negotiation.
  • I told Tina about everyone's comments, which she thinks is funny! She says, "I would feel so bad if something happened!" Nice to have peeps looking out for me.
  • I currently am in the throes of The Hobbit. I need to finish it by tomorrow. 100 pages! EEEK! Better get crackin'!


At January 19, 2006 7:42 PM , Blogger Christine said...

I love my flash! You will like it. I am going to take the survery now.

At January 23, 2006 6:16 AM , Blogger Erica said...

Good luck with the Flash! I love how small it is. But it was kind of a b*tch for me to learn the 'proper' technique of using those test strips. I still waste a couple a day. My first meter you could just stick the wicking part in the blood drop and it would suck it up. Not so with Freestyle, you have to angle the strip as near the blood as possible but not in it... I could just have issues though ;-)

At January 23, 2006 6:17 AM , Blogger Erica said...

Oh yeah forgot to mention - the whole angling technique kinda sucks when you are low and shaky... But overall I still really like it!

At January 23, 2006 12:12 PM , Blogger Allison said...

Erica- Uh, yeah, I definitely went through a couple of test strips before I finally figured it out. I haven't test while low, but I just put my finger up next to the strip and it seems to be sucking in the blood pretty well. Oh well. I've wasted strips with every meter I own, so it doesn't really matter. Sometimes it takes me 3 strips to do a BD reading! Eeek. $3 for one lousy number! Sheesh.


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